Monthly Archives: October 2006

Bush Arrogance Split Republican Party All Year..Wali/AP

The signs were on the wall . Knowing that they were under a microscope , the Republican Party begged Bush to seperate himself from the diplomacy of arrogance and realize how closely the American People and the world was watching the White House . The attempts to spin the chaos of pediphile charges and pedaphile support activities show ud that Bush hasn't learned . It is Nixon all over again and Hitler revisited ! The year reported the Republican in-fighting in 2006 as such in March 2006 in this candid offering following .

Republicans say Bush's arrogance is his downfall

DOUG THOMPSON / Capitol Hill Blue | March 17 2006

Sit down with a Republican member of Congress, party leader or political strategist and you hear a recurring theme: President George W. Bush has gotten too big for his britches and needs to be taken down a notch or two.

“The White House has been non-responsive and arrogant,” admits South Carolina GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, who adds that he and fellow Republicans put up with it when “things are going well” but says problems “rear their heads when things are not going well.”

And things are not going well for the troops at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Public opinion polls show Bush's job approval and popularity ratings in free fall, especially among Republicans. A new poll by Pew Research says 70 percent of Americans feel the President went into the Iraq war without a clear plan. More than half feel he lied about his reasons for invading the country.

“This President has a political tin ear,” says Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman, normally one of Bush's strongest supporters. “He needs to shake up his staff and those around him.”

Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott, former Republican leader, joined the chorus of those calling for new blood in the White House, even suggesting Bush hire a former GOP Senator who help the administration deal better with the Hill.

Republicans in both the House and Senate still fume over the aborted Dubai ports deal, the Harriet Meirs Supreme Court nomination debacle the failed Iraq war and other administration screwups which they see as hurting them back home with voters.

Others say Bush's arrogance when a lawmaker approaches the White House for help adds to the anger.

They point to how the White House hung South Dakota Republican Senator John Thune out to dry as a prime example. Thune, recruited in the all-out GOP effort to defeat House Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, won by promising to keep Ellsworth Air Force Base open. When the Pentagon targeted Ellsworth for closing, Thune appealed to Bush for help.

Bush's response? “Why are you whining?”

“This administration needs to help us if they want us to help them,” an angry Thune says.

Republicans complain openly about how they feel Bush misled them on the true cost of the Medicare drug prescription program. Florida Republican Rep. Tom Feeney calls it “buyer's remorse” when he talks about finding out he was lied to by the White House.

“It was probably our greatest failure in my adult lifetime,” he adds.

The anger is not limited to Republicans who hold office. Conservative budget expert and author Bruce Bartlett calls Bush a “traitor to the legacy of Ronald Reagan” and adds that Bush has sold out both the party and the nation. Even staunch White House defender Peggy Noonan says recent scandals surrounding the White House and Congress show a “new Republican culture indifferent to government largesse.”

William F. Buckley, the conservative's conservative, now labels the invasion of Iraq a mistake.

“The most damning critique of the Bush administration is that it has failed to foster political surrogates and intellectual allies,” says Daniel Casse, senior director of the White House Writers Group and an advisor to four Republican presidents. “There are few 'Bush Republicans' who champion his type of strong government. With his approval rating in the low 40s, it is safe to assume no one is running in the 2008 presidential race on a platform of continuing his legacy.”

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Real Life Pedophiles: My Story

 Look, here is the real deal about me.

I am not a pedophile, nor am I heavily armed. My father was not a police man, but he was molested repeatedly by a minister or priest, as well as his own mother. Fucked up. My dad even went to the Caribbean with a guy he called the ” Sinister Minister “. For what , I do not know. It might have had something to do with glow-in-the- dark plankton or something. I know he did not molest me, even though he made repeated veiled references to the possibility of  abuse as I was growing up.

 He may have molested my sister. I don't know. There is a lot of distance in my family. My sister and I do not talk. She blew off her marriage of 16 years because her husband chose to adopt a little, cute Puerto Rican girl. My dad was a big racist, and liked Adolf Hitler and studied piano with Mrs. Rehm, from Germany. Her husband,— probably Paperclip. Now she lives with a guy who is growing blind, who likes to travel.

 I hate Nazi's.

Bite me.

I hate what the pedophiles in my dad's life did to me and my sister.. Because him being as fucked up as he was left a real impression on my life and hers.. Indelible. So I really hate people like Rep. Mark Foley — not because he is gay, but because he preys on youngsters, and fucki'n gets away with it. Same with the Catholic Church. Lieing bastards. If my dad had not been molested, my childhood would not have been as fucked up as it was. Period.

My own wife thinks that my dad invited the molestations, that he ” wanted it “. Which is about as valid as the idea that she invited some asswipe to rape her at knifepoint while hitchhiking in college.

 Freaki'n nonsense.

 And pisses me off no end.

I have never hit a woman. I do not eat beef. Call me unmanly, but I have not molested my kids. I do not keep a lot of firearms around the house, a fact which will probably work to my disadvantage in the Theocratic future. I have never put a crucifix in a bottle of urine, though I have been sorely tempted. I have never tortured an animal.

 I like dogs.

People like straight talk, so there it is…

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Our Nation Under Seige by White House Liars..Wali/Buzzflash

It began with the first presidential election of George Bush Jr. in 2000 with the votes being driven up Interstate 95 in a rental truck for all to see that the vote was rented-bought-not in line with normal standards ! We have seen any lie that can be spun told for war , division of voting districts ( let us not forget the republicans in prison for redistricting Texas…ahem Tom Delay  ) and practices of bullying other countries without cause . The beginning of the year blessed us with the following fine article which is as fresh today as then because truth is timeless . Note this Buzzflash offering from 010206 and how well it predicts the year unrolling into caos as it has under the Bush White House ! I have had enough corruption and lies forever !

Over the New Year's weekend, the Busheviks tried another rope-a-dope to get them off the mat. This time they brazenly decided leaks were once again harmful to the United States.

It's odd, because the Bush White House leaks all the time to spin things their way. That's why the Washington Post and New York Times are always quoting anonymous sources in the Bush Administration. They even sometimes leak pro-administration propaganda saying they have to be anonymous because they are not supposed to leak!

And Bush certainly didn't think his closest aides outing a CIA operative specializing in tracking the illicit sales of WMDs was important. He's still defending those leakers.

But if you leak information to the press that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Bush broke the law, then you are a leaker who needs to be summarily investigated and prosecuted. So, it's not the president who violates the law who is to be investigated and charged; it's a witness to the crime!

And we have to tragically laugh when Bush tosses out the totally fallacious notion (at the urging of Mr. Rove) that whoever leaked the story about the illegal NSA wiretaps was alerting the enemy and assisting them. This is so post-9/11 fear mongering redux.

How does he get away with it?

Because the Dems in Congress, with few exceptions, don't know how to voice sustained outrage and demand the rule of law apply to Bush. When we say demand, we don't mean to politely ask the radical mob enforcers, Frist and DeLay, to investigate the crime. It's like putting Al Capone in charge of seeing who carried out a mob hit.

But back to the blatant absurdity of Bush's public relations lie. Does one really think that Al-Qaeda members would not assume that the Busheviks would try and listen into their conversations? After all, the Busheviks had the right to eavesdrop under the FISA Court; all they had to do was ask. Al-Qaeda members knew this; Americans knew this; everyone knew this.

Bush didn't do anything that everyone — including potential terrorists — knew he could do with FISA approval. He just did it illegally.

So, there is no truth whatsover to the leak about Bush's lawbreaking endangering the national security.

The only people it endangered were Bush, Andrew Card, and Alberto Gonazles — the latter two who went to John Ashcroft's hospital bed to get him to agree to the illegal wiretapping, after the number two person in the Department of Justice balked because he knew that Bush was engaging in illegal activity.

So, now, Gonzales, who was an accomplice to the crime, is in charge of finding out who ratted on him.

And they call this justice!

It's a shameful violation of the Constitution and degrading to America to have such thugs running the nation. They believe that they can commit crimes with impunity and intimidate the witnesses.

Just ask Joe Wilson and countless others.

This has happened so many times before, it's a bit tiring to see the Mafia dons still running the town and shooting down witnesses to their crimes.

But, in the absence of a sustained and unrelenting “push back” on behalf of truth, justice, and accountability from the Democratic leadership, many — if not most — Americans will believe the Bush lies that they hear blaring from their television sets.

It's that simple. He may get away with breaking the law, again.

To those Democratic leaders who “cower in politically-calculated caution” based on the notion that Bush has the bully pulpit and that they can't change American public opinion by proclaiming the truth until the lies are buried in the rubble of Bushevism, we say remember that Newt Gingrich turned Congress from Democratic to Republican under a Democratic president.

And Gingrich grabbed onto two media messages like a junkyard dog; 1) He alleged that the Democrats in Congress were corrupt; and 2) He ran a national campaign (not 435 separate campaigns), based on a phony “Contract With America” that was fashioned by polling and focus groups conducted primarily by Frank Luntz.

The Democrats don't even need to allege that the Republicans in Congress are corrupt; the GOP Capitol Hill Corruption is oozing out of the Capitol Dome. Most of the Democratic “leaders,” like the hapless Joe Biden on a recent Sunday morning pundit fest discussing Tom DeLay, claim they don't know much about it. The abundant and corrosive Republican corruption has been given to the Democrats lying on a platter. All they have to do is start carving the turkey up.

And then you have Bush as a chronic, daily liar who threatens, not increases, the national security of the United States. And senate leaders like Kerry and Clinton think that you can criticize a bit and then quibble at the margins. This is not a formula for seizing the hearts and minds of Americans and alerting them to the truth.

As for a Democratic Contract with America, if you went out there today with focus groups and polls, we could assure you that a promise to end corporate corruption, a promise to uphold the privacy and liberties of Americans, a promise to run the government with integrity, a promise to effectively defend America from terrorism by rejoining the world community and an accelerated withdrawal from Iraq combined with a strategy for not creating more terrorists….well, that these among others, trumpeted far and wide across America, would beat back the bully pulpit of the lying “Baby Doc.”

You can't just make mild criticisms when you have a criminal running a Constitutional government. You have to act like it is outrageous and unacceptable; you have to create a groundswell of passion for the law that will roll like a tidal wave across the land.

It's not a dream; it's not an impossibility.

Newt Gingrich took back the House in just this way — and he was running on bunkum.

The Democrats have a criminal in the White House — surrounded by accomplices — and the Democrats have truth, justice and the Constitution on their side.

Like the lion in the “Wizard of Oz,” all they need is courage.  

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HR 5295: GOP Encouraging Public School Pedophiles

Principal Joy Boy and the lesbian gym coach will dig the new bill passed by the Monkey Congress.

 Hold on to your hat. The new bill, allows Mandatory Strip Searches in public schools receiving Federal funds. So, in addition to the lying military pricks who wander the school halls, preying on young people to rope them into serving this governments mad plans for world war and domination, the Monkey Congress is now giving even more leeway to school officials to strip search  girls and boys, on the flimsiest of pretexts..

What the Fuck, you say??? My sentiments exactly.

Daily Kos has a long piece on this outrage. This is some sick shit, but what can you expect from the GOP, which covered up for Rep. Mark Foley for as long as it did ??? If you have children in public school, you should be VERY concerned, as the following excerpt demonstrates :

…” House Approves Strip Search Bill

A bill approved by the U.S. House yesterday would require school districts around the country to establish policies making it easier for teachers and school officials to conduct strip wide scale strip searches of students. These searches could take the form of pat-downs, bag searches, or strip searches, depending on how school administrators interpret the law.

The Student Teacher Safety Act of 2006 ( HR 5295 ) would require any school receiving federal funding— essentially every public school — to adopt policies allowing teachers and school officials to conduct random, warrantless searches of every student, at any time, on the flimsiest of pretexts. Saying they suspect that one student might have drugs could give officials the authority to search every student in the building. “

Are you hard yet ? Fetch the ruler and measure it again.

Bring on the Gestapo!!! How many gym teachers do you know who are ” unmarried ” ? Is it just because of their commitment to ” sports “, or something more ? I remember this asshole named Mr. Bergoffen, who liked to line up all us boys, and then walk behind us, reaching into our waistbands to snap our athletic supporters. And that was a private school……

More on this sick travesty :

” Sec. 3. Searches Based on Reasonable Suspicion.
(a) IN GENERAL — Each local educational agency shall have in effect throughout the jurisdiction of the agency policies that ensure that a search described in subsection (b) is deemed reasonable and permissable.
(b) Searches Conducted — A search referred to in subsection( a ) is a search by a full time teacher or school official, acting on a reasonable suspicion based on professional experience and judgement, of any minor student on the grounds of any public school, if the search is conducted to ensure that classrooms, school buildings, school property and students remain free from the threat of weapons, dangerous materials, or illegal narcotics. The measures used to conduct any search must be reasonably related to the search's objectives, without being excessively intrusive in light of the student's age, sex, and the nature of the offense. “

Fashion, fashionable, fascist.

 This bill has everything to do with extending the governments reach even more into every facet of our childrens lives. Is'nt it enough that cash strapped schools have uniformed Pentagon pedophiles prowling the halls ? No, apparently not. Big Bush government seeks to intrude into everything : our urine, our movements, our financial transactions, our “privileged ” communications, and now into your daughters panties.

No wonder kid's can't take adults seriously…

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GOP : " Pedophiles R Us "

The Moonie  “Washington Times ” has called for Sweaty Wrestler and House Majority leader, Dennis Hastert, to step down, after the Mark Foley bombshell hit on Friday, when ABC  released news of Foley s predations.

I certainly agree with that.

 Hastert should step down, at the very least. Another candidate for removal is John Boener, majority whip. Both of these bastards knew about Foley for months, if not years, and did nothing. Here the issue is solicitation of minors over the internet, which makes it an interstate crime, which means the FBI should be involved. Foley, 52 ,” single “, served the better part of six terms in Florida. If your memory is short, Foley is the drafter of legislation against the very thing that he is accused of. Also memorable is the fact that Rep. Foley was a cheif denouncer of Bill Clinton, when the Big Dog got hung up on a 22 year old. They were both consenting adults. Period.

The issue here is not gay sex. The issue is minors, the abuse of power and cover-ups. Denny Hastert is no different than the Catholic Bishops who knew about pedophile preists and did nothing, or if it got a bit contentious, would simply move the pedophiles from parish to parish. Enabling the molestation of minors by the Catholic Church is just like what Mr. Sweaty wrestler Hastert has done by letting Foley ply his strange trade of lurking on line for junior high boys, and it is time for him to go.

Coincidently, last night on South Park, Comedy Channel played an uproarious episode lampooning the Catholic Church hypocrisy on the issue of child molestation, and while I was watching it, all I could think of was the Foley situation. Funny stuff, and very likely to condition the election against the Party that has all three branches of government sewn up. Ben Stein, Joe Scarborough and their ilk are dredging up Democratic misdeeds from the past, but the fact remains that it is the GOP that is in power right now, and they are the sanctimonious jerks always hectoring others about morality and lifestyle, and no amount of pointless distraction can remove that from being true.

Bush leads the party of liars and pedophiles including Bill O  Reilly, Jack Abramhoff, Katrina, Ralph Reed, Enron, Ann Coulter, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeff Gannon (get out the ruler and measure it again ) and Elliot Abrahms. ( Note : Dick Cheney is at large and heavily armed, hiding in the Bushes outside an Amish schoolhouse ). Bob Woodward, in his new book ” State of Denial “, says that Kissinger ( unindicted war criminal ) now visits the White House often.

 He is BBBaaaaaacckkkk !!! Henry s plan for exit from Iraq is Total Victory. Henry thinks we lost Vietnam because we lost our will. I think the U.S. was forced to depart because of failed and widely unpopular policies and ineptitude and deception by Kissinger ( then Secretary of State ) and Nixon. In short, the war was unjust and illegal and once citizens found out what was going on, they wisely turned against the policy. And the war could have ended a lot sooner, if the Gulf of Tonkin lie had been discovered. It does not help the 52,000 Americans and the 1 million Vietnamese dead one bit to find out 30 plus years later that the pretext for the war was a fraud.

Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam, Henry.

Bush aggressions will not stand.

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How Much Remains True ?

Torture is the buzzword on a bleak rainy Sunday.

Made bleaker still that few pastors or religious folk will be raising their voices this morning against this ghastly thing the Congress just did, affording the Murdering Monkey ( a.k.a. ” bendover ” and ” jocksniffer ” ) more power. A power geyser of torture, a pink plume, a snarling dog at your naked balls. No, the religious will not speak out aginst this from the pulpit today, for fear that their tax-exemption might be challenged. All of this fear, while on the radical right, folks like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell spew their political smears and invocations of global Holy War with freedom dispensed by the Derr Monkey.

So, what is it that truly remains of our Bill of Rights? Any thing at all, after six years of disgusting lies and mass deception ?

Sometimes, I don't know whether to shit or go blind !!!!

Let us reveiw our historical document, much admired by progressive people around the planet. Ignore for the moment all the feces that Bush and his whore Congress have smeared on it.

” The Bill of Rights: The First Ten Amendments to the Constitution

Protections Afforded Citizens to Participate in the Political Process

Amendment 1 : Freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly: the right to petition the government.

Protections Against Arbitrary Police and Court Action

Amendment 4 : No unreasonable searches or seizures.

Amendment 5 : Grand Jury indictment required to prosecute a person for a serious crime.
No ” double jeopardy ” ( being tried twice for the same offense )
Forcing a person to testify against himself or herself prohibited.
No loss of life, liberty, or property without due process.

Amendment 6 : Right to speedy, public, impartial trial with defense counsel and right to cross-examine witnesses.

Amendment 7 : Jury trials in civil suits where value exceeds $20.

Amendment 8 : No excessive bail or fines, no cruel and unusual punishments.

Protections of State's Rights and Unanamed Rights of People

Amendment 9 : Unlisted Rights are not necessarily denied.

Amendment 10 : Powers not delegated to the United States or denied to States are reserved to the states.

Other Amendments

Amendment 2 : Right to bear arms.

Amendment 3 : Troops may not be quartered in homes during peacetime. “

How much of this remains true ? What is going to happen next ???

Will they still teach this in schools with a straight face ??? No wonder young people can't take anything seriously.

Such hypocrisy…..

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